Demo: The 2-D Laplace equation: P2 Finite Element
In this demo we modify the previous one by replacing
the P1 finite element by the P2 one. So we
only comment the changes with respect to the previous code.
- The mesh has to be modified by adding necessary
nodes to use P2 interpolation. To do this we use the
member function AddMidNodes of class
Mesh. This function
adds a node to each edge to mesh sides and enables then using 2nd
order finite elements. For practical reasons, we save the modified
mesh in a dedicated file.
- The next modification consists in replacing class
Laplace2DT3 by class
Laplace2DT6 for
6-node (P2) triangles.
- Note that we do not store solution in a file, since
postprocessing with P2 finite element solution is not yet