Demo Codes

Here is a collection of demo programs with increasing complexity to illustrate the main functionalities of the library .

1-D problems

A two-point boundary value problem
A 1-D heat equation
A 1-D linear transport equation

The Laplace equation

The 2-D Laplace equation with P1 finite elements
The 2-D Laplace equation with P2 finite elements
The 3-D Laplace equation with P1 finite elements
The 2-D Steklov-Poincaré problem using P0 boundary elements

Heat Transfer

A 2-D steady state diffusion convection code
A 2-D transient heat transfer code
A 3-D steady state heat transfer code

Solid and Structural Mechanics

A linear elasticity code with planar deformations
A 3-D linear elasticity code
A linear elasticity code with planar deformations and contact
An elastic beam code
A planar truss code

Fluid Dynamics

A 2-D incompressible fluid flow problem using quadrilateral finite elements
A 2-D incompressible fluid flow problem using triangular finite elements and a projection method

The Linear System Solver

Solve a linear system by a direct method
Solve a linear system issued from a PDE by a preconditioned iterative method

The ODE solver

A nonlinear first-order ode given by a regular expression
A first-order nonlinear ode given numerically
A system of first-order linear ode's given numerically
A simple nonlinear ode given by regular expressions

The Time Stepping solver

Solution of a transient heat transfer problem by the BDF2 scheme
Solution of a problem of elastodynamics by the Newmark method

The Eigen Problem solver

Eigenvalues of a given symmetric matrix
Solve an eigenvalue problem for the Laplace equation