
Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >, including all inherited members.

AxbAssembly(const Element &el, const Vect< real_t > &x, Vect< real_t > &b)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
AxbAssembly(const Side &sd, const Vect< real_t > &x, Vect< real_t > &b)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
DGElementAssembly(Matrix< real_t > *A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
DGElementAssembly(SkSMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
DGElementAssembly(SkMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
DGElementAssembly(SpMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
DGElementAssembly(TrMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
DiagBC(DOFSupport dof_type=NODE_DOF, int dof=0)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementAssembly(Matrix< real_t > *A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementAssembly(BMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementAssembly(SkSMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementAssembly(SkMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementAssembly(SpMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementAssembly(TrMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementAssembly(Vect< real_t > &v)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementNodeCoordinates()Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementNodeVector(const Vect< real_t > &b, LocalVect< real_t, NEE_ > &be)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementNodeVector(const Vect< real_t > &b, LocalVect< real_t, NEN_ > &be, int dof)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementNodeVectorSingleDOF(const Vect< real_t > &b, LocalVect< real_t, NEN_ > &be)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementSideVector(const Vect< real_t > &b, LocalVect< real_t, NSE_ > &be)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
ElementVector(const Vect< real_t > &b, DOFSupport dof_type=NODE_DOF, int flag=0)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
Equation()Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
Equation(Mesh &mesh)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
Equation(Mesh &mesh, Vect< real_t > &u)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
Equation(Mesh &mesh, Vect< real_t > &u, real_t &init_time, real_t &final_time, real_t &time_step)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
getMatrix() constEqua
getMesh() constEqua
getNbEq() constEquation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
getNbNodes() constEquation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
LocalNodeVector(Vect< real_t > &b)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
setMaterialProperty(const string &exp, const string &prop)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
setMatrixType(int t)Equa
setMesh(Mesh &m)Equa
setSolver(Iteration ls, Preconditioner pc=IDENT_PREC)Equa
SideAssembly(Matrix< real_t > *A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideAssembly(SkSMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideAssembly(SkMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideAssembly(SpMatrix< real_t > &A)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideAssembly(Vect< real_t > &v)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideNodeCoordinates()Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideNodeVector(const Vect< real_t > &b, LocalVect< real_t, NSE_ > &bs)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideSideVector(const Vect< real_t > &b, vector< real_t > &bs)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
SideVector(const Vect< real_t > &b, vector< real_t > &sb)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
solveLinearSystem(Matrix< real_t > *A, Vect< real_t > &b, Vect< real_t > &x)Equa
solveLinearSystem(Vect< real_t > &b, Vect< real_t > &x)Equa
updateBC(const Element &el, const Vect< real_t > &bc)Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >
~Equation()Equation< NEN_, NEE_, NSN_, NSE_ >