IOField Member List

This is the complete list of members for IOField, including all inherited members.

AccessType enum nameIOField
get(Vect< real_t > &v)IOField
get(Vect< real_t > &v, const string &name)IOField
get(DMatrix< real_t > &A, const string &name)IOField
get(DSMatrix< real_t > &A, const string &name)IOField
get(Vect< real_t > &v, real_t t)IOField
IOField(const string &file, AccessType access, bool compact=true)IOField
IOField(const string &mesh_file, const string &file, Mesh &ms, AccessType access, bool compact=true)IOField
IOField(const string &file, Mesh &ms, AccessType access, bool compact=true)IOField
IOField(const string &file, AccessType access, const string &name)IOField
open(const string &file, AccessType access)IOField
put(Mesh &ms)IOField
put(const Vect< real_t > &v)IOField
saveGMSH(string output_file, string mesh_file)IOField
setMeshFile(const string &file)IOField